Sunday 17 June 2012

Today is the 17th June and I'm currently 8+1 weeks pregnant! Yeah that's right..... I'm expecting again. I tested on may 16th and got my BFP, I couldn't believe it! I had a scan on Monday 11th June and baby measured spot on for dates and had a nice heartbeat, due date is 26th jan 2013. I'm feeling very positive about this pregnancy, despite it not being that long ago I lost Jesse. Fingers crossed x

Monday 9 April 2012

First donation after MMC...

well it is 6 weeks ago today since i started bleeding, which was later confirmed as a MMC,
I started taking my BBT when AF finally started, 31 days after my ERPC op, and using a clearblue fertility monitor i started testing for my LH surge from CD6.
3 days of low results (expected) i got a high reading on 8th April, along with positive IC ovulation tests.
so, the much dreaded donation took place in the early evening of CD9,
dreaded as i had read that sex can be painful following an ERPC op, and yes it was tender, but not painful.
My donor was a star, and let me take things at a pace i was comfortable with, and despite me being nervous in case it hurt, it went fine.
Today is CD10 (9th April) and this morning i got a Peak reading on my monitor, and alot of ovulation pain.
Testing day is my birthday, so heres hoping........................

Saturday 31 March 2012

I started my TTC journey in April 2011, when I read an article on sperm donation,
I had a look online and without expecting to, found a few nice guys who made me think about donations as a possability so put some serious thought into it.

I spoke to one donor at length and decided i had nothing to lose, so came off birth control in June 2011.
I had to wait until september before my cycles restarted and I had my first donation on October 7th.
Wow.... it was the starngest situation I have ever found myself in, and questioned myself so much.
"What the hell am I doing??  am I crazy??
I'm sure these thoughts are natural (I hope!) but after we got past that first donation it didnt feel so strange.

My first cycle passed without success, due to a few factors such as me not knowing exactly when i would ovualte, and having donations too early but the following cycle resulted in a very faint positive pregnancy test but sadly ended as a chemical pregnancy 4 days later.
I was sad about this but it also gave me hope as i meant that I was able to fall pregnant..... which after being on the Depo shot for 11 years is a big deal!

Another cycle passed without success, but then in December 2011, and despite almost NOT doing donations as it was the day after christmas i got a positive ovulation tests.  I spoke with my donor and he agreed to do a donation the next day (27th dec)  as my ovulation tests were still coming up positive. I ovulated on 28th December and I swore I was not going to symptom spot, and my study kept me very busy so that helped.
On 6th Jan 2012 I spoke with my donor and told him i was sure AF was going to arrive and that I was expecting to see a drop in my body temp the next morning, you can imagine my shock and suprise when infact my BBT went up.......
YEP . . . . . I was pregnant :-)
Baby was due Sept 18th 2012.
I had 3 scans..... 2 in Jan, and 1 in Feb which all showed a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat,
Sadly my pregnancy was cut short when I started bleeding on Feb 26th 2012, and a scan on the 28th confirmed my worst fears, my baby had died around 2 weeks earlier in what they call a missed miscarriage (MMC) and on the 29th Feb I had an op to remove my baby.
The hospital ran tests on the baby and took swabs/bloods from myself which all came back clear......... there was NO reason for my MMC and baby was perfectly healthy.

So that brings me to today, day 1 of my cycle after my MMC, and my donor is available for donations again so we have just sorted those out.
I will keep this blog updated in the hope that one day my future child will be able to see/read for themselves just how much we wanted them and loved them before they had even been concieved.